(Ir)regular singularities and Quantum Field Theory


| conference

Imperial College - ULisboa PhD Meeting

November 4-7, 2021

Lisbon University, Department of Mathematics

The meeting gathers PhD students in Mathematics and related areas from Imperial College and University of Lisbon, with the aim of interchanging ideas, comparing visions, impulsing cooperation and laying the foundations of new developments. The conference is meant to provide a collaborative, fertile and flexible environment for PhD students.

The program consists of short presentations by the students, encompassing the diverse research interests of the participants. There is also an extensive special session on 3D printing.

Esther Bou Dagher (Imperial College, London)
Pedro Campos (FCUL, Lisboa) 
Pedro Cardoso (IST, Lisboa) 
Rodrigo Duarte (IST, Lisboa) 
Catharine Lo (FCUL, Lisboa)
Shreya Mehta (Imperial College, London)
Gabriel Nahum (IST, Lisboa) 
Yaozhong Qiu (Imperial College, London)
Larry A Read (Imperial College, London)
Luis Sampaio (FCUL, Lisboa)
Leonardo Santilli (FCUL, Lisboa)
Boguslaw Zegarlinski (Imperial College, London)
Mengchun Zhang (Imperial College, London)

Gabriel Lopes Cardoso (IST, Lisboa)
Teresa Faria (FCUL, Lisboa)
Leonardo Santilli (GFM & FCUL, Lisboa)
Davide Masoero (GFM & FCUL, Lisboa)
Boguslaw Zegarlinski (Imperial College, London)

Department of Mathematics, FCUL, C6 Building, room 6.2.33

Jesús Bellver Arnau (FCUL, Lisboa)
Esther Bou Dagher (Imperial College, London)
Pedro Campos (FCUL, Lisboa) 
Pedro Cardoso (IST, Lisboa) 
Gabriele Degano (FCUL, Lisboa) 
Rodrigo Duarte (IST, Lisboa) 
Zan Grad (IST, Lisboa) 
Shubham Gupta (Imperial College, London)
Catharine Lo (FCUL, Lisboa)
Shreya Mehta (Imperial College, London)
Gabriel Nahum (IST, Lisboa) 
Yaozhong Qiu (Imperial College, London)
Larry A Read (Imperial College, London)
Xianfeng Ren (Imperial College, London)
Paulo Rocha (FCUL, Lisboa)
Beatriz Salvador (IST, Lisboa)
Luis Sampaio (FCUL, Lisboa)
Leonardo Santilli (FCUL, Lisboa)
Mengchun Zhang (Imperial College, London)

Conference supported by

Financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P./MCTES através de fundos nacionais (PIDDAC) – UIDB/00208/2020