| conference
(Ir)regular singularities and Quantum Field Theory
July 8-11, 2019
Lisbon University, Department of Mathematics
The main theme of the conference is the (generalised) monodromy of meromorphic connections, and its links to quantum field theory. These include the ODE/IM (or ODE/IQFT) correspondence, the relation between opers and the Bethe Ansatz equations, the analysis of anharmonic oscillators in the realm of PT symmetric and exactly solvable quantum mechanics, the relation between Painlevé equations and conformal field theories.
This will be a great occasion to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the paper “Anharmonic Oscillator” by C. Bender and T. Wu and the 20th anniversary of the discovery of the ODE/IM correspondence.

D. Masoero (Lisboa)
T. Sutherland (Lisboa)
R. Tateo (Torino)
V. Bazhanov (Canberra)
C. Bender (St. Louis)
P. Boalch (Paris-Sud)
G. De Nittis (Santiago del Chile)
P. Dorey (Durham)
C. Dunning (Kent)
A. Eremenko (Purdue)
E. Frenkel (Berkeley)*
A. Grassi (Stony Brook)
D. Hernandez (Paris 7)
O. Lisovyi (Tours)
S. Lukyanov (Rutgers)
M. Luu (Davis)
M. Mariño (Genève)
E. Mukhin (Purdue)
S. Nampuri (Lisbon)
S. Negro (Stony Brook)
A. Raimondo (Milano-Bicocca)
J. Suzuki (Shizuoka)*
V. Tarasov (Purdue)
M. Tierz (Lisbon)
B. Vicedo (York)
* participation cancelled
S. Baldino (Lisbon)
V. Bazhanov (Canberra)
C. Bender (St. Louis)
P. Boalch (Paris-Sud)
C. Camara (Lisboa)
G. Lopes Cardoso (Lisboa)
R. Conti (Torino)
G. De Nittis (Santiago del Chile)
P. Dorey (Durham)
J. Douçot (Paris-Sud)
C. Dunning (Kent)
A. Eremenko (Purdue)
C. Florentino (Lisbon)
A. Grassi (Stony Brook)
D. Hernandez (Paris 7)
O. Lisovyi (Tours)
S. Lukyanov (Rutgers)
M. Luu (Davis)
M. Mariño (Genève)
J. Cidade Mourão(Lisboa)
N. Faustino (UFABC, São Bernardo do Campo)
E. Frenkel (Berkeley)
D. Masoero (Lisboa)
A. Mikovic (Lisboa)
E. Mukhin (Purdue-Indianapolis)
S. Nampuri (Lisbon)
S. Negro (Stony Brook)
A. Pereira (Lisboa)
R. Picken (Lisbon)
J. Pimentel Nunes (Lisboa)
A. Prata (Lisboa)
A. Raimondo (Milano-Bicocca)
G. Rupp (Lisboa)
M. Rosselló (Lisboa)
L. Santilli (Lisboa)
R. Schiappa (Lisboa)
M. Schwick (Lisbon)
J. P. Silva (Lisboa)
T. Sutherland (Mainz)
V. Tarasov (Purdue-Indianapolis)
R. Tateo (Torino)
M. Tierz (Lisbon)
R. Vega (Lisbon)
B. Vicedo (York)
C. Young (Hertfordshire)
(Irregular) conformal blocks and Painlevé functions
Oleg Lisovyi (Université de Tours)
A new perspective on resurgence in quantum theory
Marcos Mariño (Université de Genève)
Analytic continuation of TBA equation
Patrick Dorey (University of Durham)
Bethe state norms for the Heisenberg spin chain in the scaling limit
Sergey Lukyanov (Rutgers University)
Counting N=2 black holes and modular forms
Suresh Nampuri (Universidade de Lisboa)
Feigin-Frenkel image of WittenKontsevich points
Martin T. Luu (University of California Davis)
Fredholm determinants from Topological String Theory
Alba Grassi (Stony Brook University)
Fuchsian equations with three nonapparent singularities
Vitaly Tarasov (Purdue University)
Irrevelant perturbations of 2D integrable models
Roberto Tateo (Università di Torino)
Large N phase transition and TT deformation of 2d Yang-Mills theory
Leonardo Santilli (Universidade de Lisboa)
Local Hamiltonians for deformed W algebras
Evgeny Mukhin (Purdue University)
Non-ultralocality, affine Gaudin models and ODE/IM
Benoit Vicedo (University of York)
Nonlinear eigenvalue problems and PT symmetry
Carl M. Bender (Washington University in St. Louis)
On the scaling behaviour of the alternating spin chain
Vladimir Bazhanov (Australian National University)
Opers for higher states of quantum KdV models
Andrea Raimondo (Università di Milano-Bicocca)
PT-symmetric eigenvalues for homogeneous potentials
Alexandre Emerenko (Purdue University)
Quantum Butterflies: Filling the white with colors
Guiseppe De Nittis (Universidad Católica de Chile)
Spectra of quantum KdV Hamiltonians, Langlands duality and category O (joint work with Edward Frenkel)
David Hernandez (Université Paris-Diderot)
The TT deformation: a gentle introduction
Stefano Negro (Stony Brook University)
TQFT approach to meromorphic connections – Fission via irregular singularities
Philip Boalch (Université Paris-Sud)
Wronskian orthogonal polynomials
Clare Dunning (University of Kent)
Conference supported by

FCT projects: PTDC/MAT-PUR/30234/2017, IF/00069/2015, UID/MAT/00208/2019