(Ir)regular singularities and Quantum Field Theory


Andrea Raimondo

Andrea Raimondo obtained his undergraduate degree in Mathematics in 2005 at the University of Genova, under the supervision of Claudio Bartocci and Marco Pedroni, and his PhD in Mathematics in 2009 at Imperial College, London, under the supervision of John Gibbons.

After that, he held positions in SISSA (Trieste), University of Lisbon, University of Bergamo and University of Milano Bicocca, where he is currently employed as a fixed-term researcher (RTDA).

His scientific interests include:

  1. ODE/IM correspondence.
    The ODE/IM correspondence was proved for any affine Kac Moody algebra at the ground state (in collaboration with Davide Masoero and Daniele Valeri), and for simply laced Kac-Moody algebra for higher states (collaboration with Davide Masoero).
  2. Dispersionless limit of 1 dimensional nonlinear waves.
    A classification of the universality classes of critical behaviour of scalar nonlinear waves was obtained (collaboration with Davide Masoero). See Lett Math Phys 2012, IMRN 2015, Physica D 2015.
  3. Frobenius manifolds and related dispersionless integrable systems
    A Frobenius structure for the dispersionless Kadomtsev-Petviashvili (dKP) equation was obtained, CMP 2012. A complete description of Hamiltonian structures for reductions of the dKP equation was found, CMP 2009 (collaboration with John Gibbons and Paolo Lorenzoni).
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