Leonardo Santilli and Miguel Tierz
Random matrices and Gauge theories
We give expansions of reproducing kernels of the Christoffel-Darboux type in terms of Schur polynomials. For this, we use evaluations of averages of characteristic polynomials and Schur polynomials in random matrix ensembles. We explicitly compute new Schur averages, such as the Schur average in a q-Laguerre ensemble, and the ensuing expansions of random matrix kernels. In addition to classical and q-deformed cases on the real line, we use extensions of Dotsenko-Fateev integrals to obtain expressions for kernels on the complex plane. Moreover, a known interplay between Wronskians of Laguerre polynomials, Painlevé tau functions and conformal block expansions is discussed in relationship to the Schur expansion obtained.
Santilli, Leonardo and Miguel Tierz. “Schur expansion of random-matrix reproducing kernel.” Journal of Physics A 54 (2021), no 43: 435202. doi=”10.1088/1751-8121/ac2754″